February Contents

February 2025 Issue ~ Volume LIII - Number 5

February Contents

February 2025 Issue ~ Volume LIII - Number 5

In this issue…

  • Special Feature: Novice A Top Ten Teams ~ Dave Pluth
  • Feature Article ~ Whomp!* ~ Willard Bailey
  • New Tricks: Krafts Bijoou – Samantha Martel
  • Course Practice ~ Master Rally Challenges ~ Bea Moore
  • A Common Bond ~ Stay – The New Reality ~ Deborah Neufeld
  • NADOI ~ Beyond Obedience – When Training Isn’t Working ~ Barbara Pruitt
  • Away From The Dog House ~ Rainy, My Wild Child ~ Glenna MacLeod
  • Morris Animal Foundation – Accepting Proposals Hemangiosarcoma Study
  • Doggedly Obedient – NoseWork Class On A Bitter Cold Day ~ Marilyn Miller
  • A Foray ~ Teaching Cone Wraps for Obedience & Rally ~ Janice Gunn
  • AVMA: Trained Dogs Can Identify Scent of Canine Cancer
  • Biscuits & Bones ~ Flying With Dogs ~ Bob Self

Recommended Reading for Everyone

One Standard of Judging, or Double Standard?

There are three(3) important sections in Chapter 2 of the Obedience Regulations that help define good judging, and should be kept in mind at all times if you choose to judge.

Advanced Rally Challenges

If you’d like to have some challenging Advanced Rally course practice, I’d like to offer some to you.

My Journey through the Pandemic Via Trick Dogs

This article is not meant to be a lesson on how to obtain a trick dog championship. It is just the tale of my journey during the summer of 2020. A Canadian, senior, who loves playing and working with her dogs.

The Zoom Zone

Zooming. Most of us have heard the term. A dog running in big circles around his handler while the handler feels helpless to stop or control the behavior. 

Life Lessons From
Our Best Friends

More Reading for Everyone

AKC Museum Of The Dog Announces Upcoming Exhibit

Number one in our hearts! The AKC Museum of the Dog is pleased to announce its next exhibit. “Top Dogs” celebrates the American Kennel Club’s ten most popular breeds. This exhibit will open May 5th 2021 and will run through August 29th 2021.

Biden’s Dog Involved in Second Biting Incident

President Joe Biden’s younger dog Major this week was involved in a second biting incident of the month. The dog “nipped someone while on a walk” on Monday, said Michael LaRosa, press secretary to first lady Jill Biden, adding that the dog “is still adjusting to his new surroundings.”

Virtual AKC ~ Training & Titling in the Time of COVID-19

Many of us are still not able to get out and about with our dogs due to the ongoing COVID-19 situation. Fortunately, there are some wonderful activities and titling opportunities in which we can participate while we wait for trials and shows to fully reopen around the country.

Nosework, Obedience, & Rally

I am the program manager for the United Kennel Club (UKC) for Nosework, Obedience and Rally. UKC is a Kalamazoo, Michigan-based company founded in 1898 and is the largest All-Breed performance-dog registry in the world, registering dogs from all 50 states and 25 foreign countries.

Stuff Happens

Because of the Pandemic, AKC laid off a substantial percentage of their staff and workers. The remaining staff must be overwhelmed trying to keep up amid the chaos. I have always counted on AKC to process the results of my efforts (scores from events), record and send the titles we’ve earned, and they have done a spectacular job.

April Comments

Seems like there’s a lot of controversy about the state of our sport today… Although social media increases the level of static, there’s always been active debate among the sport’s supporters.

From Recent Issues

Q&A To Covid-19 On The AKC Blog

As our shows are coming around and getting back into the swing of things, have you kept up to date with the AKC Obedience/Rally blog

Fix ‘n Go-Pilot Concept

Starting April 1, the AKC instituted a new Fix ‘n Go program in obedience competition. This may be the single most important rule change that I have witnessed in my 50 years of participating in this sport.

What Is AKC Scent Work?

Scent Work is a sport where the dog locates an odor and communicate that it has found the odor to its handler. AKC held the first Scent Work trial in September 2017.

My Lifetime of Perfect Pets

During the month of May, Front & Finish celebrates pets. For me this seemed to be a perfect time to celebrate my own pets and to share with others some of the joy they have brought me and my family.

Using A “V” To Get A Better Broad Jump

Using a “V” technique will help to prevent your dog from getting into the habit of cutting the corner of the broad jump. It will also give your dog more arch and ensure he takes the middle.

Course Practice

If you’re interested in learning about AKC Rally, you may already have a dog that can do the required skills, as long as you, too, can perform the required skills. The hardest thing about Rally is for you, the handler, to perform the skills and know how to help your dog to do their part. If you make a mistake, so does your dog. Most of the deductions in Rally are caused by the Handler!!!

UKC Rally Program

In this issue, I would like to introduce the UKC Rally Program. The revised program went into effect on July 2, 2020 with the addition of many new signs and a completely new level.

Repetition, Schmepetition

There’s no substitute for repetition in learning. How many times do athletes run drills? How much practice does it take to get to the Olympics? How much work does it take to earn an OTCH?

Why Do We Own Dogs?

Approximately forty-two percent of all households own a dog and there are over seventy-five million individuals who own dogs. While dogs are one of the most beloved companions of man, the majority of owner’s don’t train dogs.

2020 Delaney Rating System

Top Dog: Golden Retriever RACH U-CDX, URO 3 Ayrshire’s Time Will Tell UDX5 OM4 PUTD BN RAE4 RM4JH TKP CGC VC CCA RM JH TKP WC CCA VC CGC ~ Owned by Nancy & Jack Burns. Handled by Nancy.

What to Carry in Your Judge’s Case?

A judge’s case is comprised of ones tools of the trade. Many of the items needed for judging are supplied by the judge. It s NOT the obligation of a club, Superintendent or Show Secretary to provide anything other than:

Virtual AKC ~ Training & Titling in the Time of COVID-19

Many of us are still not able to get out and about with our dogs due to the ongoing COVID-19 situation. Fortunately, there are some wonderful activities and titling opportunities in which we can participate while we wait for trials and shows to fully reopen around the country.

Front & Finish®, LLC

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